
Joan Carter's World

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Before going to sleep-part of my “Ultimate Balance” LOA book


“It’s very important also, that you change your habits regarding evenings. What you do, watch, read or say 45 minutes before you go to sleep deeply impacts your subconscious mind. You take those programs with you in your sleep. Most people fall asleep during watching television in the evening. The content of those shows is usually violent and troubling.  How many times did you go to sleep with visions of rape, serial killers, torture, abductions, murder or else? Countless times. So you take those messages and sent them out in the Universe? Is that what you want? News are not any better either. Bad economy, wars, dead bodies, poverty and all kinds of trash you can imagine comes out of the news, in your most vulnerable moment. It is scientifically proven that those contents that are in our mind last 45 minutes before sleep, run through our subconscious the whole night! Let’s use this scientific information wisely. Why not to read a relaxing book? Or watch a comedy or sitcom instead. There must be hundreds of shows that are going to put a smile on your face just before you close your eyes! There are some really great authors that wrote beautiful motivational books! Try reading before you go to sleep Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, Paolo Coelho, Rhonda Byrne, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Napoleon Hill and many more wonderful authors that gave extraordinary contribution to this world.

These authors can give you so much strength and idea where to search for your inspiration! They also made audio books, so you might want to relax in your bed with headphones in your ears. The change will be noticeable instantly!

Try to go through biographies of successful and famous people, enjoy their success and try to find patterns! There are so many fun things you can do!”